As a tradie, you might be wondering what you could do when you finish your apprenticeship. There are many different paths you can take, and it can be difficult to know which one is right for you. There are a few reasons why choosing to be a Tradie may be the finest decision you’ve ever made. In this article, we may explore some of the options available to tradies after they finish their apprenticeships.
What is a Tradie?
A skilled manual worker in a particular craft or trade is known as a “Tradie” in Australia and New Zealand. A tradesman has both theoretical and practical expertise in his/her own trade and is considered a professional with a high level of competence.
The trade or tradesman is one of Australia’s most well-known professions, and it is among the country’s top earners when it comes to paying. The greater your degree, the higher your earning potential. Naturally, a tradie’s work is physically demanding and far removed from a typical 9-5 office job. Being called “sparkies, chippies, brickies”, being a tradie may imply any number of jobs, but they do have certain things in common.
What Makes a Skilled Worker Popular?
There are several reasons why Aussies choose to work in trade, but the following are the most frequent ones:
- Job Security
Tradies are among the most in-demand services in Australia, and they are always in high demand and desired occupations. There may never be a shortage of handyman repairs, house construction, landscape contracting, or plumbing work to mention a few. It is no exaggeration to say that the Tradie may be required all day, every day. The future prospects for individuals interested in pursuing a trade career are bright and promising.
- There is no need for any kind of university education
A university bachelor’s degree may usually take three years to finish, after which there is the option of further study for honours, masters, and doctorates. All of these have a cost associated with them, the current average student debt in Australia is expected to be somewhere around $20,000, depending on what you include. A few years ago, this figure was even higher.
Depending on his or her expertise, experience and practical knowledge, a tradie may not have to spend as long learning (anything from 6 months to two years usually), frequently picking up the majority of his or her abilities while working. Being in trade school does not mean you may quit school. If you choose this option, it may be possible to keep studying on the side and earn your trade qualification atthe same time.
- Work-Life Balance
A Tradie who has mastered his or her trade obtained that certification, and is now able to select their own projects might essentially be their own boss. Many tradespeople choose to work for themselves and start a company because the opportunity and potential for complete control of their job and life are there. Self-employed tradies may be working fewer hours in a week, but tend to work long hours in a day.
The tradie may also enjoy the benefit of having expanded career opportunities. Many enterprising tradies choose to expand their skills into something that goes beyond the set of tools and a pickup truck.
- Take a stand against the corporate cubicle.
A Tradie can work from almost any place. The office is far more interesting and liberating to a Tradie than the cubicle at a building square. Rather than remaining seated all day and interacting with people, you may spend days outside working on various sites, standing up and moving about, doing the things you love.
- Wages
In terms of pay, your income as a Tradie isn’t restricted to the hours you work each day, thus giving you a chance to make some good money, even more than a full-time worker. The more skills you acquire, the greater your income potential is. You may earn more by obtaining a license for a particular trade, whether it’s plumbing, electrician or another profession. You can go into business for yourself and hire expert tradespeople to help you out, this may raise your income dramatically. A trade risk assessment is a great way to determine how much your business could be insured for.
- Travel
As tradies gain experience and get their credentials, new doors (and windows) to different possibilities open up. They may now go to other cities without limitation, especially if they have a nationally recognized qualification on their tool belts. There may always be a demand for expert workers in their fields and professions, no matter where they travel. You can open a store virtually anywhere.
- Satisfaction
When you talk to tradespeople, one of the first things they’ll tell you is how wonderful it is to be finished with a project. It’s not uncommon to cruise around an area or a community and notice the places you’ve had a hand in creating infrastructures you’ve helped create, and pieces you’ve created. It might be a house, landscaping, business, piece of machinery, or anything else, you know that you’ve done an excellent job and that others enjoy and appreciate it.
What Can a Skilled Manual Worker do?
You might not understand what it is that a Craftsman does. A skilled manual worker can do anything from working on engines to putting up walls and roofs, to decorating homes and automobiles. If you have been thinking about trying something new with your career, now’s the time. There are several places online where you may find trusted companies that provide services for those who want to acquire their skills as a craft or trade worker. You’ll never know what you enjoy until you try it.
Tradies are among the most in-demand services in Australia, and they are always in high demand and desired occupations. There may never be a shortage of handyman repairs, house construction, landscape contracting, or plumbing work to mention a few. The average income for skilled workers is around $45,000 annually. The range varies based on your experience and the services that you provide. If you’re interested in moving into this type of business, there are lots of places where you may find the tools and equipment you’ll need to launch your new life as a Craftsman or tradesperson.
How to Hire Skilled Workers as a Business Owner?
As a company owner, you may have to navigate through the hiring process. You may hire an expert for any type of project that you might need to be done around the house or business. It helps to be familiar with what each trade can do, their skill levels and experience in order to get the most effective quality service possible. If you are inexperienced, then it’s important that you seek advice from trusted professionals who are able to show you how skilled workers are best hired for your needs.
If you happen to be looking for reliable tradesmen in order to meet all of your projects’ needs, consider putting up a help wanted ad online or in your local newspaper. Some people prefer meeting handpicked candidates face-to-face so they can explain more about the job and what they expect from their workers. Once you select a few candidates, schedule an interview with them to answer any questions that they might have and to explain your business in greater detail.
There are several ways for you to find reliable skilled workers who can help you out with your next project. The most important thing is that you get the best results possible by doing due diligence and hiring someone who has done excellent work in the past and enjoys their profession. You may need more than just one worker on board because some projects require more than one person for efficient completion. You may then want to continue hiring additional experts depending on what type of projects are being tackled at any given time around your home or business.
Which Skilled Worker Trades are in Demand Australia?
In the five years to 2024, construction trades workers, particularly bricklayers, carpenters, painters, tilers, and plumbers are anticipated to see a demand increase of more than 9%, according to the Australian Government’s Labour Market Information Portal (compiled in May 2019). At the same time, employment in electrical and electronic trades, which include electricians and air conditioning and refrigerator repair technicians, is anticipated to grow by 3.2%. Electronic trades occupations like TV and radio repair work are expected to decrease by around 5% on the other side of the spectrum. When looking at personal circumstances, individuals employed in trades may find themselves better positioned than other professions due to their relative youth and strong employment prospects.
The majority of work for electrical and electronic installers and repairers is done by people under 35 years old, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS). Young workers are also more likely than older workers to be underemployed or underemployed, which the ABS noted is usually “associated with pursuing additional education and training”.
Skilled construction workers are likewise in high demand. Most of the skilled building trade workers are employed by people under 45 years old, according to the ABS. This means that hiring a younger person for entry-level positions would make it easier for the business to retain its workers in the future. However, if you’re looking to hire more senior personnel, then it may come down to what type of project is being tackled at any given time.
Why does a Skilled Worker Charge so Much?
This may be a question about self-employed tradesmen like electricians and plumbers. Every year, we see stories in the media about tradies making $200 an hour or whatever, simply because they charge $200 an hour. It appears that a tradie who charges $200 an hour makes that much each week, according to these articles.
The fact is that a self-employed tradie spends many hours each week travelling from job to job, quoting jobs, and filling out paperwork. How much do they charge for this work? Typically, they receive no compensation. They also have commercial costs to pay, such as insurance. It’s not like the $200 for the one-hour project. Tradies may be self-employed, meaning they’ll have no access to sick leave or vacation time and so may have to account for potential lost income down the road when they won’t be earning anything. So, do tradies charge that much? Most likely not.
There is a trade risk in using a tradie. Trade risk is the risk that someone won’t deliver on their promises. Being self-employed, tradies including electricians and plumbers can easily become unreliable when clients pay them late or fail to return phone calls or keep appointments. How do you manage this risk? You get references from previous clients, and you ask for photos of their work to see if they can finish a job as promised. Also, as a client, make sure the electrician or plumber is licensed and insured.
Why do Skilled Workers Need Licenses?
In Australia, it’s illegal for anyone to complete building trades or projects without a licence in some cases. This only applies to some states and territories, such as Victoria where there is a licensing requirement for all types of electrical work. All building projects over $3,300 in value require a Licensed Building Practitioner (LBP), who may be the builder or an electrician, plumber etc.
Licencing requirements vary in Australia depending on whether you’re a sole trader, a partnership or a company. Generally speaking, one may have liability insurance in case any work causes injury during the course of construction. People need to be insured for themselves and their employees in this case. There’s also a public liability component that comes into effect when someone inadvertently damages another person’s property during the course of work.
As a client hiring a tradesman, you’re legally obliged to obtain at least three trade quotes from professionals before making your final decision. It’s better that you find the cheapest quote as the cheapest may not provide the best service or be insured.