Bagging in the context of brick walls | Bagging vs sacking | Benefits of bagging a brick house | Advantages of bagging and sacking | Rendering a brick home | Benefits of rendering a brick home | Difference between render & bagging layer | How to apply render in your brick walls? | How much does it cost to render a home?
When it comes to rendering exterior brick walls, we will be looking at the differences between rendering versus bagging in the context of exterior brick homes. We’re going to start off with some reasons why we should choose rendering over bagging exterior brick house walls and then get into what complications could arise when shooting this type of project.
One reason why you might want to consider rendering bricks instead is that it’s easier to eke out more detail over the surface of a rendered wall than on a bagged wall.
What is Bagging in the Context of Brick Walls?
Bagging or Sacking or Shingling is a process of applying successive courses of bricks to the surface of a wall. The walling up process used to be an arduous one that required each course to be laid on top of the other at regular intervals called Bags.
These Bags are usually fixed using a Shingle.
There are many reasons why people sack their exterior walls, perhaps the most common being that it helps to level courses of bricks and ensures an even surface when finished. It also hides imperfections on the face of the brickwork and makes the wall look neater. You can use one of your own, or sackings can be purchased from brickworks.
Bagging was used in the early days of homebuilding. Bagging is still a common practice today when constructing new homes. Some people choose to use this method because it saves time, reduces wastage and most importantly labour costs.
Brick Bag Sizes
There are many different sizes of bagging used for brickwork. The size you choose is determined by the type of wall you want to build, as well as your budget. The most common sackings available on the market today are 3 “x2”, 3 “X3”, 4 “x2”, 4 “X3”.
However, this is not an exhaustive list and there may be others available from suppliers depending on where in the world you live.
These sacks are usually made from synthetic materials like polypropylene or plastic. This means that they can be easily removed after each course has been laid down giving a smooth finish with no evidence of any unwanted joins.
Bagging vs Sacking
Sackings are also an easier way for individuals to construct walls, as they are easier to lay than a freestanding brick wall.
However, sacking can be more time-consuming and more expensive than using traditional methods. Bricklayers usually charge for their labour when building with sacking. Furthermore, although it does reduce wastage it also increases the risk of theft.
Bricklayers usually sack everything using a mechanical sacking machine which is programmed to apply pre-built sackings at fixed intervals.
Sackings are pre-built, which means that the bricklayers will not have to stack and build each course with their own hands. This results in less work for bricklayers and helps to speed up the construction process.
Benefits of Bagging a Brick House
Bagging a brick house provides more benefits than just being cheaper and easier. The vertical joints created when bagging brick are less visible giving the house a neater look. Bagging also hides any imperfections on the face of the brickwork.
Advantages of Bagging & Sacking
There are many reasons why some homeowners choose to sack & bag their house rather than use traditional bricklaying techniques.
One of the biggest is that it saves time. Using any other methods means having to stack and build each course by hand, but with bagging, this is not necessary.
This also reduces the risk of injury or damage which may occur if you try and build a wall from scratch using traditional methods. Bricklayers have previously stated that they dislike working with sacking as it takes longer than stacking courses using ordinary bricklaying techniques.
What is Rendering a Brick Home?
Rendering a brick home is the process of applying an external coating to a brick wall in order to protect it from the elements. It also provides a decorative finish that can improve the aesthetics of your home & looks like texture coatings.
There are many different types of render available on the market, including pre mixed rendering mixture, but there are three main types that you may come across. They are water-based render, lime renders and cement-based renders.
Water-based render has been popular for over 20 years because of its advantages such as being cost-effective and environmentally friendly. However, it is not very durableLime renders are often used on old buildings and can be beneficial for any type of brickwork.
The main advantage of this type of render is that it has excellent thermal insulation properties as well as containing options of being waterproof, which helps to keep your home cool in the summer months and warm in the winter. However, lime rendering cannot be applied directly onto a damp wall so you must ensure that all areas have completely dried out before applying the render.
Cement-based renders tend to be harder than other types of rendering and are more suitable for commercial usage. They are also one of the strongest materials available, which means that they can resist damage much better than other types of rendering. Cement-based renders may feel rough when touched, but this does and is not suitable for commercial or heavy usage
Benefits of Rendering a Brick Home
One of the main benefits of using rendering on your brick home is that it will protect the bricks from any potential damage. Not only will this provide a longer lifespan for your bricks, but it will also increase the value of your property.
Rendering also improves the aesthetics of your home, making it more attractive. This can potentially be an attractive investment depending on your circumstances for many people in a property market such as Sydney or Melbourne where bricks are common. It will also make your house look more appealing to potential buyers and may help you when attempting to sell it at a later date.
Difference Between Render & Bagging Layer
The Difference between Bagging & rendering is rendering consists of the process of applying an external coating to a brick wall, in order to protect it from the elements. This also provides a decorative finish that can improve the aesthetics of your home
Bagging Layer, on the other hand, is a method of building that uses bag-shaped bricks for walls. A bricklayer will lay out courses before filling them with bagged materials and then stack another course on top. This is the most cost-effective way of building a brick wall and has become more popular than regular bricklaying over recent years.
How to Apply Render in Your Brick Walls?
The actual process of applying render onto a brick home varies depending on the type that you have chosen, but they all involve two steps.
The first is to prepare the render and this can be done by mixing it with water. In some cases, you may need to add other materials such as sand or cement before applying them to your brick walls
Once the render has been prepared, you must apply it to your wall. This can be done in a couple of different ways. Firstly, you can use a squeegee to spread the render evenly over the brick walls. You then have to ensure that it is smoothed out and left for around 10-15 minutes before using a brush to remove any excess water or bubbles. Finally, leave the render to dry for another 24 hours before applying a second coat
The whole process of applying the render to your walls will take a couple of days depending on how thick you have applied the material. However, this time may vary depending on whether or not you are using any other materials in addition to water
How Much Does it Cost to Render a Home?
The cost of rendering your brick home will largely depend on the size of your property and the type that you have chosen. For example, it will cost more to render a two-story home than it would do the same thing to a one-story property. This is because there are more walls that require rendering in the latter case.